Are you sure you want to do that?

Nov 29, 2011

Dread words, for certain. The game master is giving you an out because the outcome is grisly. The brain starts to spin. Are there details I overlooked? Did I miss an important action?

Its something I’ve heard a lot when I choose actions that are not the best action strategically or for long time survival. Frankly, I see those actions as character personality. When it fits, things go to shit. Unless it goes against pure instinct for fight or flight, actions are open.

Most people do not make intelligent choices in the heat of battle or when they are exposed to extreme situations. The heritage and history of the character should bleed through. It’s not like characters kick back, think about the situation for a few minutes and plot how to deal the most damage while minimizing risk.

Characters are people, under duress, with little time to think. They choose in the blink of the eye and react. Not every character can be a battle hardened warrior. Even under extreme circumstances, actions don’t make rational sense. How many medals are given out for sane decisions in the heat of battle?



  • I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said that! I also can’t believe how many times the player has looked at me and said “Yeah, why?”

    In some situations asking “What are you hoping to accomplish by doing that?” has cleared up the player’s intentions and I can work with them to get there. Sometimes, but not always.

    • I am just as guilty. When I’m running, I often ask for clarification using those words. I just happened to be experiencing it as a player yesterday.