Three New Labyrinth Lord compatible Supplements

Mar 5, 2012

Finally getting over the sinus crud. Here are three newer releases for the LL crowd…

An Echo, Resounding: A Source Book for Lordship and War from Sine Nomine Publishing
In this Labyrinth Lord-compatible guidebook you’ll learn the arts of war and kingly rule in the untamed borderlands. Referees will find all the tools they need to build a savage land of adventure and bloody struggle, carving the foundations of empire into the very bones of their campaign. Players will find new talents as Champions of their lands, fighting for a noble cause or struggling to establish a beacon of light in the wilderness. And together, both will find new tools for domain management to bring the red-edged games of kings and princes within the grasp of fiercer souls!
In the Shadow of Mount Rotten from Faster Monkey Games
A crafty Foot Goblin, maybe, or a vicious Warg Rider. Or a town-building Hearth Orc or a Troll Driver or a lowly Saltjack or a Goblin Eater Hob, or one of the many other Rotlander folk, striving to survive and bring glory to your home tribe in a land too harsh for humans to claim. With three new character classes, eight different tribe types, and hundreds of hexes of dangerous territory to explore, In the Shadow of Mount Rotten gives you everything you need for adventures of a very different kind.
The Virtuous and the Vile: Morithal, Lord of Unceasing Hunger from Clockwork Gnome Publishing
Since the beginning of time, the Maggot God has burrowed his way through the earth, indulging a hunger that can never be satiated. Morithal is an artifact from another time, a being who survived the fall of one multiverse and the birth of another. Cursed with a unending desire to consume, He Who Gnaws has hollowed out vast caverns beneath the earth and these have become the subterranean realm of the dark elves, derro, and other depraved creatures. Despite his repulsive nature, Morithal’s followers are powerful and many. His cults are everywhere and each of them is tasked with a single goal: to bring about the reign of their god so that he might consume the stars and cast all the worlds of the Material Plane into eternal night. Inspired by the works of classic writers such as H. P. Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith, Morithal, Lord of Unceasing Hunger presents an evil cult that can be easily dropped into any campaign.

Both have been added to the Labyrinth Lord resources list.

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