LL Monster Stat Blocks: Brevity Enhancements

Jun 21, 2011
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As I noted yesterday, I was unhappy with the design decision in my hoard generation system. The output of the gems and jewels routines can be excessive. Detailed output is useful for treasure only information. When used in tandem with a far more terse application, such as the Monster Stat block generator, the information is overwhelming.

To alleviate the problem, I re-factored the treasure generation system with a terse option. I initially removed only the detailed gem and jewelry types but individual values were still too long. I settled on a count for both categories and a total value listing.

Currently, only the monster generator uses the terse option but I plan to add terse as an option for both the hoard and treasure book generators. I occasionally like the added detail for inspiration. Usually, I skip past all the details between the count and total value.

The output is far more useful now. Clean. Simple.

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