Convergence Dawns – Mount Evans Take 2

Sep 11, 2010

As I previously stated, our semi-annual gathering of the old gaming group is rapidly approaching. For the first time in Convergence history we will be returning to DU’s Mount Evans Field Station. Last spring was a challenge due to heavy snow to get into the facility. We had a great time in the larger lodge/dorm building

Field Station Cabin

This time around we’ll be in the smaller cabin facility. The accommodations are not quite as nice but we’re going to have a smaller group. Luke is out due to his wedding. Kevin is questionable given his recent move. I’ve never stayed in the cabin but its the same great, very remote location. A little more preparation is required since the nearest town is 20+ minutes down a winding mountain road. The only firm plan I have this time is I’m bring some steaks to grill. Nights will be cool but the day time should very friendly to outdoor gaming.

With the date just under 3 weeks away, I had a twinge of panic. I am the only established GM showing up thus far. I could work on pre-planning games but it has yet to pan out for me. I’m also more experienced at running games off the top of my head. Each and everything I have tried to pre-plan either doesn’t work out well or doesn’t get played at all. So I’m officially winging it.

The players will get to select the games. I’m not going to pack many rule systems. I don’t need them nor do they. If they choose something completely outside of my comfort zone, so be it. I’ll adjust.

All I will confirm is Kevin will be subject to some Panty Explosion at the hands of Randall if he can make it.

It should be a good time.



  • Umm……the last line……..

    All I can confirm is that I attack Randy!!!!!

    Gut shaker, beyotches!!!!!

  • @James: Of course you do… 🙂

  • As it stands right now, it looks like Convergence will be the debut playtest location for I Shoot Randy.