Indie+ 2 – October 29th – November 4th

Sep 21, 2012
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Indie+ 2 will be held from October 29th through November 4th.

Indie+ is a virtual convention held completely within the bounds of Google+. The convention features panels, discussions, games and other activities all featuring independent game developers, publisher, authors, and artists.

The Indie+ 2 organizational process is rolling along nicely but still needs volunteers to run games, hold panel discussions, present products/art/etc, and general helpers (aka ninjas) to keep the convention running smoothly. For general information, check out the Indie+ website.

For more details, contact one of the following on G+:

Technical Services / General Information Chris Tregenza
Games Brent Newhall
Panels/Discussion/Ninja Wrangler Larry Moore
Guest & Trader Liaison Jacob Bouvier
Ninja Monkey Mark Hassman

The second incarnation of the convention promises to be better than the original. I look forward to seeing many of the great independent game creators during the week.


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