Gaming at 10,000 feet

Jan 19, 2010

Looks like we’ll be going up for the Spring Convergence. Rather than a hotel, we’re aiming to be a bit more remote this time around. How remote? Well, the University of Denver has a field station partially up Mount Evans at Echo Lake. The facility is around 10,600 foot. The nearest towns are Evergreen or Idaho Springs. We’ll have to bring our supplies in addition to the gaming materials but it should be a great location.

They have another cabin next to the Whomble Observatory I got the opportunity to stay in it during my college days but it doesn’t appear to be available. Probably due to the potential for altitude sickness and the wicked weather at 14,264 feet. I’d like to game on the summit in that A-Frame. I don’t know what the highest gaming session on record currently is but that’d have to push the envelope.

DU’s site does not have enough photos to reveal the “cool” factor. We’ll fire up the cameras during our stay. We won’t be roughing it by any means.

However, the rule of cool cannot be denied.



  • To be completely honest, THIS is how Convergence should be. For future gaming get-togethers, we should consider finding cool and unique locations that are within our budgets and play there. Of course this is all dependant on how things go for us this time, but I’ll chime in with: I’m excited to play in this locale.

  • Also, I’ve done a bit of searching the Guinness World Records online here:

    But I don’t see any record listed. Perhaps after Spring Convergence we should consider registering a record…

  • 10,600 isn’t really all that high. Leadville and Winter Park are slightly lower but probably have gaming groups. Being at the summit would push the envelope but won’t happen this time unless we go snow shoeing up 4000 foot of elevation. I don’t feel quite that vigorous.