Do You Want to Play in Garbage?

May 9, 2012

I ripped off that intro to announce that Dylan Hartwell’s latest Labyrinth Lord™ module has been added to the ever expanding list of available modules. Dylan’s latest incarnation is completely different than what you would expect in a traditional setting and adventure. I’ll let it speak for itself.

The Horrendous Heap of Sixteen Cities!

Extending above a haze of reeking steam rise sixteen peaks of garbage magically transported from sixteen different cities. It spreads, like an ever-growing fungus, across the landscape, encompassing and corrupting nearly fifty square miles. Hideous flies, crows, and vultures circle the piles, perpetually avoiding garbage falling from magical portals thousands of feet in the air. Giant rats, skunks, maggots, and other manner of repugnant beasts scuttle about the surface, surviving off the offal. Underneath, giant worms crawl through the debris. Periodic explosions reform the horizon. Some cultures call it “Sheoal”, others “Kol Katta”. All, however, use the common vernacular “The Heap”. And everywhere its name is synonymous with “Hell”.

THE HORRENDOUS HEAP OF SIXTEEN CITIES! is a sandbox fantasy adventure. Contained within are original and terrifying monsters, maps of The Heap, and multiple adventures for months of play.

17 New Monsters
3 Maps
5 Detailed Non-Player Characters
More than 25 Original Illustrations
7 Plot Hooks

The Horrendous Heap is available now on RPGNow.

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  • Thanks! I see some traffic coming from you via RPGNow!

  • You are quite welcome, Dylan. I’m glad a bit of traffic is headed that way.