Browsing articles in "Musings"

Special Offer on Namespace: Medieval Surnames

Jul 27, 2012
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The Indie+ bundle was a great hit during the event on Google+. The only product not included in the Mithril & Mages catalog was Namespace: Surnames from Medieval and Ancient Times. The other titles I included for free. To complete the set of medieval names, I’ve launched a special offer of the Surnames Volume for $0.50 running until August 4th.

If you didn’t get free copies during Indie+, all of the Namespace products are marked down 25% for the Xmas in July sale at DriveThru/RPGNow. Not to mention the return of the $0.99 cent bundle for both volumes of medieval names. The sale ends in less than a week so now is a great time to buy these or the numerous other products available from hundreds of other publishers.

For anyone still reading, there’s also a special discount on Namespace: Wild West Names (valid until August).


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Bartertown Comics

Jul 24, 2012
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There’s a new comic book shop in town. Okay, it is in my town. Located in Englewood Town Center, Bartertown Comics has a store specializing in in comic books, graphic novels, action figures and other items. The website takes some drilling down to get to the individual titles but the assortment is impressive.

While I am not much of a comic or graphic novel consumer, I did admire the photos in the YourHub Business Focus article, which brought Bartertown to my attention. A clean, well lit store is good to see.

I’ll have to pop in just to check out the place when I get a chance.

Bartertown Comics
800 Englewood Pkwy #C-106 ~ Englewood, CO 80110
Phone # 303-761-1440
STORE HOURS: Monday: Closed; Tue – Thu: 11 – 8; Fri – Sat: 10 – 8; Sun: 12 – 6

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June Sales

Jul 17, 2012
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So I’m a half month behind. Delays happen when you choose fishing over posting. However, in the spirit of transparency, June was a slow month. The Mithril & Mages product line remained at 4 products – 3 for sale and 1 for free download plus a pseudo product in the form of a bundle for both Medieval Names books.

June 2012

Both Medieval Forenames and Surnames sold 3 copies in the form of the bundle. Wild West Names sold 7 copies. Finally, the Treasure Book on Demand had an additional 42 downloads during June.

Also, June marks the end of first quarter of sales. In total, 419 copies were sold/downloaded. Two hundred and eighty of the copies were the free Treasure Book on Demand. The remaining 139 copies were purchased volumes. Not bad for a minor publisher. Grand profit? Still deep in the red if you consider the cost of the product cover for TBoD.

Product Line

July is far more interesting but I’ll get to that in August. Two more products are in the works. I’ll say more when they approach completion.

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Secrets of TSR? Perhaps..

Jul 11, 2012
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They do mention shrinky dinks but most of the conversation is the later stages of TSR before the purchase by WotC. Interesting but I was hoping for some earlier tidbits.

Mostly I walked away wondering why a good company allowed itself to fracture into so many elements that were unimportant to the its core. Not that it is uncommon for a business to do too much too soon.

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Indie+ Launches

Jul 9, 2012
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Indie+ started today and runs until the 15th. I was going to write something witty but Brent Newhall made this far better promo video. Get your game on…

For more information and a schedule of events, visit


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Get Your Game On(line): Google+ RPG Gaming and Events

Jun 14, 2012

Indie+ is an online indie RPG convention to be held in mid-July 2012 on Google+. It is an opportunity for small publishers, bloggers, podcasters and others to work together and raise the profile of independent gaming.

When: July 9th – 15th
Organizers: Chris Tregenza, Brent P. Newhall, plus many others.
More Information: Wiki

Unlimited Adventures – Limited Commitment

The aim of Unlimited Adventures – Limited Commitment is to encourage both DMs and Players to try new games. Not in a one shot, see ya later sort of scenario, but over 2 to 3 sessions. Long enough for players and GMs to feel they hopefully gained something from the experience.

When: Continuous
Organizers: Erik Tenkar, Michael Garcia
More Information: Goal Statement, Other Postings and Game Calendar

Gameplay is a playtesting network where members can playtest games and have their games playtested. It’s an online-only group that uses Tabletop Forge with G+ Hangouts to organize and play games.

When: Continuous
Organizers: Unknown
More Information: Google+ Page, Calendar

Not enough to flll your plate? There are also some FLAILSNAILS games happening. Many of those are flagged under the ConstantCon effort. ConstantCon also has a calendar of games.

I would be remiss not to mention Tabletop Forge. Many of the games being run utilize this great Hangout Application.

Tabletop Forge is a Google+ Hangout application that lets your play tabletop roleplaying games inside of a Google+ Hangout. It includes things like dice rolling, whispering, and map functions.

The developers (Charles Jaimet, Joshua Owen, et al.) of the application are running a Kickstarter campaign to make an excellent product even better.

Brew & BBQ #2

Jun 6, 2012
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Friday is my second hosting of the Brew & BBQ club. Initially, I wasn’t planning to brew any beer but it seems we are short 1 brewer so I prepped an Oatmeal Stout. Oatmeal beers are one of my favorites and the supply is getting a bit low. In addition to my brew, another fellow is going to run his first all grain batch through my gear. He’s waffling about the exact recipe but its his so whatever the end product is fine by me.

I’m going to toss a pork butt on the smoker for the BBQ portion. Wacked up cherry, apple and crabapple wood tonight. Green wood isn’t very friendly to saw but it is far better than old dried up crap sold in bags. To get it done, it’s going on the fire on Thursday night. Had to call my bbq consultant down in Missouri to make sure I wasn’t going to jack it up. Tips, he had ’em. Thanks G.

Three different brewers will have beers to sample. It is going to be a fine day.

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