June Sales

Jul 17, 2012
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So I’m a half month behind. Delays happen when you choose fishing over posting. However, in the spirit of transparency, June was a slow month. The Mithril & Mages product line remained at 4 products – 3 for sale and 1 for free download plus a pseudo product in the form of a bundle for both Medieval Names books.

June 2012

Both Medieval Forenames and Surnames sold 3 copies in the form of the bundle. Wild West Names sold 7 copies. Finally, the Treasure Book on Demand had an additional 42 downloads during June.

Also, June marks the end of first quarter of sales. In total, 419 copies were sold/downloaded. Two hundred and eighty of the copies were the free Treasure Book on Demand. The remaining 139 copies were purchased volumes. Not bad for a minor publisher. Grand profit? Still deep in the red if you consider the cost of the product cover for TBoD.

Product Line

July is far more interesting but I’ll get to that in August. Two more products are in the works. I’ll say more when they approach completion.


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