Browsing articles tagged with " Labyrinth Lord"

Quick Fix: Labyrinth Lord Treasure Generator Error

Jan 10, 2012
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I typo’d on hoard class XVI causing magic to be generated 1% more often than it should have been. It’s fixed but was present in every utility reliant upon the process including the by-hoard generation and treasure books on demand.

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Marginal Success: Sortable List of Labyrinth Lord Modules

Dec 14, 2011

My plans are generally better in theory than in reality. Still, I managed to make a sortable table of Labyrinth Lord Modules happen. It’s a test page.

The user-experience is limited. Nothing indicates the table elements are sortable but if you take the time to click on the table headers, it does actually sort. At least it does via my limited testing.

Go poke it in the eye. Tell me how it fails. You can even gripe about the lack of sortability indication. I’ll get there but my skills are limited. One step at a time. Until I fall off the edge of the earth.

Good thing Grandma couldn’t hear me talking tonight. The swear jar would be quite full.

Stepping Stones: A Short Labyrinth Lord Adventure

Sep 13, 2011

Get Ready

A calm pool of water separates the entrance of the cavern from the exit. The tops of four rocky outcroppings appear to be stepping stones across the pool.

Get Set

The tops of the outcroppings appear worn down from the feet of numerous crossings. The first is narrow and almost flat. The second rises nearly 2 feet above the waterline. A jagged section of rock on the left side appears ready to break away from the otherwise rounded lump near 3 feet across. The third stone barely rises above the surface. Any disturbance of the water will inundate it periodically from the waves. The cavern stretches nearly 60 feet long with the of water covering the nearly 30 feet near the entrance.

The fourth stone is split in two. One half rises nearly a foot above the top of the water and is wide and roughly hewn. A worn path is smoother than the rest of the stone. The other half is a newer stalagmite ending in a sharp point nearly three feet above the water. The two halves are separated by about 18 inches of water.


The stepping stones are Ropers. Imitating stepping stones has been a beneficial strategy adopted by the fourth stone long ago. The first, second, and third stones are offspring of the fourth. Number four is in last phase of reproducing again: splitting off a seed which will sink to the floor and grow into another roper.

The ropers have no need to breath and will wait for the optimal time to reveal themselves. The ropers are extremely intelligent and will wait for two party members to cross successfully to the far side. Additionally, ropers appear the same temperature as their surrounds and can mimic stone formations at will.

Once the 3rd person hits the 3rd stone, the ropers will attack by lashing out with rope-like strands up to 50′ and attempt to drag the prey into the water. The first and second ropers will attack any members waiting to cross. The 3rd stone will reach upwards and attack the individual crossing and anyone flying or levitating above the pool. The fourth stone will attack the two who have already crossed.

Beyond the normal attack, if the roper arm succeeds in attacking, the party member will be drug into water. A half force doors check will allow the PC to avoid being drug into the water. Once in the water, the PC will drown in 3d4 rounds if he cannot successfully escape the arm and avoids being killed by the roper’s biting attack. Breaking the hold will eliminate the thread of drowning.

Notable NPCs

Roper (4) [AL CE, MV 30’ (10’), AC 0, HD 10-12, #AT 1, DM 5d4, THAC0: 11/11/10, SV F10-12, ML 8, XP 2,400, AEC 135, HC Vx2] HP: 65 (11 HD) , 53 (10 HD) , 56 (10 HD), 72 (12 HD)

Rumblings of Pinnacle Peak: A Labyrinth Lord Adventure

Sep 10, 2011

Get Ready

Long nothing more than a peculiar rocky peak jutting from the landscape, Pinnacle Peak has come to life. The ground at the base of the formation trembles, jets of vapor erupt at random and the entire area is bathed in unnatural heat. A traveller passing near the peak claims to have seen a devil surrounded by flame standing in tunnel at the base of the peak.

Get Set

Agathla Peak

Volcanic Monolith (1)

The adventure should be placed near a small town or village. Pinnacle Peak is a volcanic monolith long dormant but recently active. Volcanic activity should be a mysterious force in the area. The underlying magma field that once formed the peak has again pushed toward the surface at the base of the monolith.

The trembles are small earthquakes as the pressure from the magma is forced upward. The gases are volcanic emissions — mostly steam but also a number of more toxic gases. The heat is merely a by-product of the underlying magma.

Pinnacle Peak is very unlikely to erupt. Rather the earth is just adjusting to shifting geologic pressure. The locals succumb to superstition, over-state religious implications, and derive all manner of causes and consequences. They are convinced the hand of a goddess is at play or an unholy portal has opened beneath the peak.


The player characters should arrive in the general area a week or more after the geologic activity begins. Everyone in the nearby village will have an opinion or a request. The villagers will be approaching near hysteria and near a complete societal breakdown.

Katelin Godard, a local elder, will implore the party to investigate the peak to defeat the demonic being below the peak. She is convinced Bacenor Delfs, a local cleric, has raised the ire of an elder god by starting a church devoted to a more recent sect. [I leave the selection of gods, goddesses, and religions open to fit the campaign.]

Delfs will also try to convince the party Godard is the source of the problem. She refuses to attend his church services and he’s spiteful. He claims she practices forbidden sorcery and has awoken a beast under the peak. He has hired a mercenary to plant evidence near the peak with possessions stolen from Godard’s home.

The reality is that nothing other than geologic forces have caused the problem. Earth motions and forces are a foreign concept and not accepted as an explanation. The warming of the region will draw heat loving creatures toward the peak. Several ancient lava tubes can be exposed by minor earthquakes to allow for exploration.

Notable NPCs

Delfs and Godard are the primary opposing forces. Both can be treated as low-level clerics. Sprinkle in additional villagers as you see fit to ramp up the hysteria and counter-claims.

Should the party choose to explore the peak, the major enemy is gas and heat. No creatures are present. Heat loving monsters may become an issue but thus far none has entered the area. [Feel free to toss in a token encounter if you wish.]

d12 Volcanic Gases
1-3 Light Steam – Harmless Water Vapor
4-6 Thick Steam with traces of Noxious Gas
7-9 Super Heated Steam (d12 damage/round)
10 Disorienting Gas
11 Debilitating Gas
12 Deadly Gas

Disorienting gases cause temporary issues lasting only a few minutes and dissipate quickly. Debilitating gas result in effects lasting hours and cause minor damage. Deadly gas can cause permanent injury and death. The gases are the same but the effect is based on the concentration present.

d6 Gas Description Effects
1 Carbon Dioxide Colorless, Odorless, Slight Acidic Taste Asphyxiant, Unconciousness, Convulsions & Death
2 Sulfur Dioxide Colorless, Distinct Odor (biting/lit match) Precursor to Sulfuric Acid. Breathing Difficulty. Attacks respiratory system.
3 Hydrochloride Biting, acidic tase and odor Hydrochloric Acid – Attacks eyes, skin, lungs, and intestines. Respiratory difficulties. Destroys corneas leading to blindness.
4 Hydrogen Flouride Colorless, Odorless Forms hydrofluoric acid on contact with tissue. Skin burns, lesions and destroys corneas leading to blindness.
5 Sulfuric Acid Vapor Colorless, Odorless when diffuse Extremely Corrosive. Attacks all mucous membrames. Corrodes most metals aggressively.
6 Hydrogen Sulfide Colorless, Poisonous, Flammable, Sharp Odor Smells of rotten eggs. Can be explosive when mixed with air. Irritates the respiratory system – burning of the eyes, nose and throat. Can lead to respiratory arrest.

(1): Aglatha Peak by Herzi Pinki; converted to black and white.

Down for the Count: A Short Labyrinth Lord Adventure

Sep 8, 2011

Get Ready

So you are stocking a dungeon and need something slightly interesting to add flavor but not dominate the story. Why not another adventuring party, beaten down but not all dead?

Get Set

Behind a locked door a group of adventurers lay dead, dying and injured. Lead deep into the dungeon by the overly confident Oggin, the party ran into a group of ghouls in a nearby room. Unprepared, they were quickly overcome but managed to pull back into a room they could defend.


Barricaded behind a large table and remnants of the other furnishings, Oggin and Emelada stand guard over their companions. Domentzia is obviously dead and Adei is on the brink of death. Naiara is crouched behind the table binding her wounds and will only join a fight if cornered with no chance of escape. Oggin and Emelada are both injured but functional.

The NPC’s are wary of any intrusion into the room but will not immediately engage the player character party. Instead, they will delay acting and try to convince the party to aid them. Emalada will request the party heal Adei and help them escape the dungeon. Oggin’s attitude is abrasive and he will argue against any demand for payment even at the expense of his fallen comrades. Naiara is badly injured. If healed, she will look to escape the confines of the dungeon immediately. None of the survivors can be convinced to venture further into the dungeon.

Should the PC’s willingly choose to aid the party, Emalada will offer a silver ring adorned with a sapphire (300 gp) and a ruby (75 gp) as payment. If they are unwilling or reluctant, she will refrain from offering payment until free from the confines of the dungeon. Naiara is not trustworthy. If she knows of additional healing withheld, she will watch for opportunity to steal potions or scrolls, use them, and make her escape. Oggin is the nephew of a local noble. He is too proud to reveal the fact but should the party help him escape, the noble will learn of their efforts and offer them a minor favor in the future.

If the party spends more than 15 minutes conversing or healing the party in the room, the remaining 5 Ghouls will arrive. If the door is locked or barred, they will remain just outside the room in the corridor for up to 2 days before departing in search for easier prey.

Notable NPCs

  • Oggin: Neutral Male Elf, Lvl: 3, Atr: (16/16/10/13/13/12) , AC: 5, HP: 17 5
    Equipment: Padded, Shield +1, Silver Dagger +2
    Personality: Insensitive, Mischievous
    Spellbook: First (2): Scribe, Charm Person, Dancing Lights, Comprehend Languages. Second (1): Rope Trick, False Gold.
  • Emelada: Lawful Female Magic-user, Lvl: 3, Atr: (13/16/7/7/18/13) , AC: 10, HP: 18 3
    Equipment: No Armor, Dagger,
    Personality: Quaint, Fussy, Brilliant
    Spellbook: First (2): Shield, Magic Missile, Mending, Ventriloquism. Second (1): Amnesia, Invisibility.
  • Domentzia: Neutral Female Halfling, Lvl: 2, Atr: (8/6/9/9/16/11) , AC: 3, HP: 12 Dead
    Equipment: Banded Mail, Shield, Short Sword, Light Hammer
    Personality: Weak-Willed, Sober
  • Adei: Chaotic Male Thief, Lvl: 3, Atr: (13/15/14/13/11/16) , AC: 7, HP: 12 0 (Dying)
    Equipment: Leather, Long Sword
    Personality: Unscrupulous, Jovial
  • Naiara: Chaotic Female Halfling, Lvl: 3, Atr: (11/10/11/12/13/12) , AC: 4, HP: 11 1
    Equipment: Splint Mail, Mace
    Personality: Macho, Disturbed, Poised
  • Ghoul (5) [AL C, MV 90’ (30’), AC 6, HD 2 (turn as 3 HD), #AT 3, DM 1d3/1d3/1d3 + paralysis, THAC0: 18, SV F2, ML 9, XP 47, LL 76, HC XXI] Total XP: 235. HP: 12, 6, 10, 14, 11.

Death Gift: A Labyrinth Lord Adventure

Sep 7, 2011
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Get Ready

At the top of the rise along the road, a battle ensues. A pitched battle. A small group is slaughtered by an overwhelming force of similarly clad individuals. One, a horseman, dismounts and rips a necklace off a dwarf.

Get Set

The PCs are on their way to an already established goal as the battle begins. The party is too far away to assist. The attackers wear armor of varying types. All of them use shields with identical markings. The exact mark is indiscernible from a distance.


If the PCs rush to assist, they will arrive as dwarf is near death. With a dying gasp, the dwarf utters “His god..”. He gurgles and continues unintelligibly, “..needs… “. With a last effort, he trusts forward a thin, short wooden box with no obvious seams.

If they do not press forward to assist, the box will be found on the corpse. In either case, a written scroll is found. The scroll is soaked with blood but a few words of the missive can be read. It reads, “…. ..So..ak must … not … …. gain…. .. necklace.”.

The box is adorned with numerous symbols and wards, obviously magical in nature to anyone capable of using magic. A Ward of Protection from Chaos/Evil is the primary defense on the box. If handled by any person of Chaotic or Evil Alignment, the box will burst into magical flame causing 1d8 damage per round (save vs. spell for half damage). If the box is handled for more than 3 rounds by Chaotic or Evil individuals, a Symbol of Fear will be triggered. Prying or carving on the box will invoke a Symbol of Insanity. The final defense of the box, if broken open will release a Symbol of Death.

Within the box is simple silver necklace set with a small ruby. The ruby is finely cut and appears to trap any light hitting the exposed facets. The necklace is capable of opening a portal as the Gate spell directly to a specific plane once per day. If opened by a cleric or follower of the evil god, Zhaikrin (choose your own evil god), the twelve legendary knights of the order will ride into the prime material plane bent upon destruction of all other religious orders. Activation of the gate by any non-believer will open a gate to a random plane, allowing any nearby denizen to travel to plane of the caster. If the activator is not a religious follower of Zhaikrin, they must save vs. spell for be confused for 1d6 days.

The necklace is being sought by the Knights of Zhaikrin. The knights can be played as the evil equivalent of the Paladin class. The closest knight to the area is Sorlak Kinslayer. The knights cannot directly track the necklace while entrapped in the box. They are drawn to the general direction but only within a large area (50 miles). If the necklace is removed from the box, the Knights will be able to track the necklace directly and pinpoint the location within a mile.

Notable NPCs

Sorlak Kinslayer Knight of Zhaikrin (#30) Massively scarred; Wearing black plate and shield with a black phoenix rising engraved on both; +3 Longsword; Girdle of Giant Strength; Treat as 10th Level Paladin, Evil; Accompanied by a raven, Blackheart, with a similar ruby embedded in his chest.

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(Labyrinth Lord) NPC Generator Standalone

Aug 25, 2011
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I added a separate page for NPC Generation base entirely off the early efforts within the Monster Stocker. Doing so will allow me to tweak on the NPC generation system without having to worry about a random selection of the NPC Party types showing up as a random result.

Currently, the code has no support for the AEC. I plan to add it to both systems downstream. I have a few ideas for expansion. Mostly I just wanted to split it out to make my test and development cycle easier. Doing so adds a minor utility which may aid others.

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