Browsing articles tagged with " Boot Hill"

Pack Mule, Giant Powder and a jug of Old Rye

Aug 26, 2011

Just mentioning Boot Hill had me digging around for a few ideas for a few one-shot adventures. This photo paints an image. It wasn’t what I was looking for but I keep looking at it.

Mule of Many Things

Miner’s burro packed with mining equipment, including giant powder which was an early form of dynamite. Also shown is a box of nitro glycerin, old rye, gin, whiskey jug, frying pan, shovels, pots, rope, wheel barrow, saw and a miners pick. (1)

Everything you need for a bit of mining or an improvised mule explosive. The labels make me believe he’s more merchant than miner. Other than a cool picture, why would you have labels on everything you are carrying? What would you think when you came across this fellow and his load heading up the trail into the mountains?

(1) From Colorado Mining History in Images

