Browsing articles tagged with " Wench"

The Munchkin Zombie Infection Continues

May 16, 2011

Munchkin Zombies 2

Somewhere in between games of Magic and Munchkin Zombies at Convergence, Steve Jackson Games announced Munchkin Zombies 2 – Armed and Dangerous. The expansion set will be released in August. I enjoyed Munchkin Zombies but not quite as much as Munchkin the first time I played it. The really strange and oddball stuff didn’t seem as common as in the original. Likely, the added expansion sets in Wheel’s Munchkin collection added more flavor. I’m pretty sure he can make room for an additional 112 cards when they come out. Especially if he adds a Box of Holding. At the rate he’s acquiring cards, he’s going to need a suitcase just for them. Beyond the original and the Zombies he also brought along Star Munchkin, which was a cool twist. Munchkin is definitely on the list of card games to fill in the gaps between roleplaying sessions.

Other Convergence Madness

To fill out the Steve Jackson Games section, I picked up Zombie Dice at Bonnie Brae Hobby Shop before heading out for the weekend. The game is just as advertised – fast, fun and engaging. Even after reading the lightweight rules a couple of times, I still spaced out on playing out the final round. Including it would have made several of the games much more interesting.

Wench the Card Game

In tandem with my Zombie Dice purchase, Randall was sucked into buying Wench! A Drinking Man’s Thinking Game. The card game appeared to be a juvenile, crazy paced card game at first glance. In the right mood, it might be a cool game but it is overly complicated for just playing off the cuff. The premise was sound, albeit crazy, but the playability languished. The game was worth several laughs. The game designer was thinking ahead — the cards can be used as a normal deck of cards. The artwork is pretty good if you enjoy the style.

Dozens of games of Magic the Gathering rounded out the card play. The highlight was 3 different decks designed to force drawing and discarding along with the associated pain. I couldn’t begin to count how many of those games we played but even starting at 40 didn’t keep one alive for more than a handful of rounds most games. Duelling might be fun but laughing as you get your ass handed to you round after round due to multiple players was crazy fun.