Spring Convergence 2011

Jan 18, 2011

Spring Convergence has been scheduled for May 12th-15th. Strangely, the date decision was quite easy this time around thanks to rapid inputs from everyone interested. The location will once again be at the University of Denver’s Mount Evans Field Station. The location has become the default location due to the amenities and low cost. A bit out of the way for some people but that keeps us from bothering the neighbors.

The group this year may be the largest we’ve had to date. Thus far, we have 4 of the regulars confirmed. Randall hasn’t chimed in yet to say he can make it but I will wager he will. Additionally, two new people have indicated a desire to attend as well. Should everyone make it, we’ll have a nice group of 7 people. A wonderful number for role playing.

I’ve begun working on some refreshments for the weekend along with some prep work on an Old School D&D mini-campaign called The Chalice and The Graele. I’ve also got numerous notes that I could utilize for a post-modern/bleak-future game that didn’t get played in the fall.

Kevin was quick to point out he has a number of options as well.

  • A continuation of Zombie D6 Lite based off our first session at the grocery store last fall.
  • Also, we’ll probably have to kill Randy in a few hands of I Shoot Randy
  • Also a Ghost Hunter idea he’s been formulating that didn’t get played in the fall. I’ll let him chime in with the details.

The list of possibilities wouldn’t be complete without mentioning that Randall owes us a session of Panty Explosion. He won’t get off with violent stomach flu as an excuse this time around. Luke also was willing to continue his 3E D&D campaign from Spring ’09. We should have lots of options to choose from.

I’m looking forward to the weekend already. Cannot wait for spring to arrive.


  • Surprisingly the coordination went really well this time. I’m excited… May seems way to far away.

  • Can I teach Randy one game of Munchkin???? 🙂 It is just another way I have to Destroy him…..I like to have several options when I need to destroy Randy.

  • Munchkin was a good time. I heartily concur you bring it so you can squash Randy like a bug.

  • Better bring some MTG Wheels. I always enjoy making you cry! hehe

  • Way to bring the love, Randall. Guess I’ll hit Target for another deck to smack both of you when you aren’t looking. Who needs strategy.

  • Hmm… I might have to hit up Luke for a deck to make you all go crying to momma.

    Yeah, that’s how I roll. I’m not above calling in a ringer.

  • Re munchkin: Nobody touch that duck!

  • Just for the record, the second batch of brew is in the primary fermenter. I broke down and bought a second secondary. The first batch needs a bit more time in the secondary before I bottle. It looks delicious.